Age: 29

Sex: Female

Location: USA

Likes: Waking up early, staying up late, feeling rested on four ours of sleep so I'm able to successfully complete the aforementioned, listening to music, singing, drunken karaoke, drinking & chainsmoking on my stoop while I rant impassioned about things no one but me in my general vacinity gives a fuck
about, smoking weed, ruminating on the good-ole-days of the early internet & the friendships I
cultivated online, my pets [cat & rabbit], springtime, leaving my windows open and smelling the fresh
air, eating food, marine animals & amphibians, birds, animals in general, operating via cultivated
chaos, playing video games [sometimes], drawing [sometimes], pursuring creative endevours [sometimes] boyfriend :3 <3

Dislikes: having to work and at the very least having to go into work physically, the fact
that anyone has to work to survive when no one asked to be born, denying reality, lack of critical
thought, modern pop music [sick and tired of hyperpop but that's for another time.], being solely
responsible for noticing communal messes, waking up in the middle of the night and forgetting
what day it is and then remembering it's a worknight, heights, jump scares [as in they're
bad and show, to me, that this movie isn't actually scary], unwanted male attention, getting tired
at times I really don't want to be, seeing roadkill, imagining the deaths of those I love.

Sites worth checking out:

click to visit cepheus